
Thursday, August 03, 2006


So after reviewing our options of getting the hell out of La Ceiba as soon as possible, we decided to head for the Mountains. We headed to Omega Lodge in the Pico Bonito Mountain range for some Rafting and Relaxing in a beautiful mountain environment before heading La Ceiba bound on Friday evening for some grocoery shopping (Roatan prices are extortionate) and some Friday Night bevies.

We were off first thing on Saturday and on our way to West End, Roatan. After settling in, I soon realised that the place has changed a fair bit over 8 years. West End still looks somehwat the same, but there a lot more little jetties and boat traffic which has sort of killed the beach down this end. Then the resorts at West Bay have grown out of control over the years and what was once a small little village set on a beautiful beach is now a pumping tourist spot where cruise ships spend the day every now and then. (no picks can be uploaded from here though)

We spent the first couple of days taking it pretty easy, enjoying the first kitchen we have had in a long time, snorkelling down in West Bay and working on our tans. We made friendly with our neighbour Pete and enjoyrd his cmpany over dinner and drinks a few times within the first couple of days. Monday I headed out on my first dive here. A wicked Wall on the other side of the island, followed by a second site with heaps of cool swim through channels. Tuesday we were back down in West Bay, this time we hung on the jetty to avoid the sandflies. We realised that this was the spot, all the cool gringos were hanging there too.

Wednesday, back down deep to a wreck and we visited a 2 meter green moray amongst other things, hammock and beers in the arvo. We headed out for our first biggish night on Wednesday to Sundowners where the night begins and then on to the Purple Turtle as the crowd moves slowly through WE. Carried Lilla home and hit the hey. Back down to the jetty in WB on Thursday where we spotted massive parrot fish and a 2.5 Moray swimming through the coral and a couple of lobsters hanging out in the reef. We got talking to a Danish couple in the arvo and invited them over for a bottle of wine and a chat followed by a few more drinks in town where Pete was jamming with a father & daughter act.

Friday I hit the famous Roatan Hole where after feeling slightly narked I peered down to my depth gauge and realised I was sitting at 34m, my deepest dive ever. The Hole was cool, the second dive was colourful and we had a good time, headed back to the beach for the arvo where we chatted again to Jens & Carina (the Danes) before deciding to hook up later for some drinks & eats before heading out for the renowned Friday Night in WE. Beach on Saturday where Lilla and I taught kids hanging around the jetty how ro swim, before we went for a walk, stumbled along a gourmet food and found VEGEMITE! We grabbed the first Water taxi home so we could relish in our find!

Carina & Jens joined us for dinner at ours before Jens & I made it for 1 last drink at the Twisted Toucan. The guys left us on Sunday, but that was ok cause there was no getting out of bed until late anyway, then we just spent the day shopping and walking around. Monday, back down at the beach and reading before grabbing some scooters yesterday with pete, his girlfriend and their amigos from the US and trakking out to all different parts of the island (had to break up the beach + scuba combo). We started in Flowers Bay for some awesome seafood lunch, then onto the Iguana farm for a bit, before we crashed a resort and went for a swim and onto a lookout bar for a drink. There were only a few incidents on the scooters throughout the day including a couple of muffler burns, 1 crash, 1 lost muffler, 1 sucking fuel 5 times quicker than the others and a droped scooter into a garden. We made it home in time for Pizzas and Beers.

Pete and the crew left this morning on the early ferry so Lil and I headed into town for some supplies on the Scooter before hitting the road to WB for some views and photos, we hit the beach after lunch and got back to WE an hour or so ago. We've only got a couple of days left on the island, so I think i will hit the water again tomorrow while Lil hits the sun and spend Friday back down in WB, before a big, last night out Friday Night. At least we have some Vegemite to get back into gear Saturday morning for our ferry!


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