Barcelona: It`s rockin Europe
Where do you begin with one of the most amazing cities of Europe, very comparable to Buenos Aires in Argentina, this place basically rocked my world! We did happen to be there during the La Mecre festival which was a bunch of outside music stages with groups playing that ranged from Ojos de Brujos to small wicked Morocan Ska to dude's from the White Stripes new Get Up. The street art throughout the city is outrageous,

and the whole city is just full of squatters, living a squat life

and fighting for freedom!

I rocked in from san Sebastian and headed to Gothic Point where my old mate from Bolivia, Loic, had sorted me out with some cheap accomo. Half asleep and almost moneyless still not being able to withdraw from cash machines, I spent the morning updating my blog, grabbing some breakfast and a well strong coffee and basically roamed the gothic streets as I waited for my, as per usual, late Amigo from Melbourne ; Dickie. We eventually rocked in with Dave's old amigas whom I have heard bucketloads about, but never actually met; Helen & Linda. We cruised the streets for some time before meeting up with Dickie's girlfriend; Emma & her Mum; Jill who happen to be travelling around Spain at the same time, however on a slightly healthier budget - 5 staring it all the way! We grabbed a bite and then hit a nice stretch of green grass for a bottle of champagne to celebrate the magnificance of being in Barcelona.
This 1 bottle eventually turned into 12 as the many hours drifted by. We finally peeled ourselves away at about 11:30 and headed back to Emma's & Jill's Hotel Rooftop Bar for some Mojitos and many laughs and perhaps even a few debates on the current political situation in Colombia.
The next day we spent by the pool back in the 5 star, grabbing some food at a local veggie restaurant (these god damn vegetarians made me) before heading out for the first night of shenanigans for the festival. The next morning as I walked past this Gaudi building

I was inspired to go and check out the Gaudi Park which is a massive park that he designed and built and actually lived there throughout the construction of it. The entrance felt like walking through a Ginger Bread house get-up.

The park is very diverse, moving through stone tunnels

with wicked carved coloumns

as well as a great plaza sitting atop cool hand made seating over looking the city!

We headed past Helen's squat house where I admired there dorrbell set-up which apparently illumintes

before heading back to the center and and chilling before heading out for another night of festival, where we found some great music and this guy

The next day we headed to the beach before taking this massive cart thing over city for some great views,

before preparing ourselves for another night of music. Unfortunately the bands were cancelled due to rain so we headed to the other side of town for some dance tent action.
Seeing as most sights had been seen I am pretty sure we just spent Sunday feeling sorry for ourselves and lying in the sun in the park relaxing and taking in the city's vibe. It was a rather large night on Sunday though as Dickie turned 24 at midnight, we headed North to a new stage to see some cool Ska band with members from all over the world, before heading back to a guys house that we met at the party for a few more drinks and onto the main stage where we rocked on, celebrated the b day, had hot dogs stolen from us because they thought that we stole them and then smash into each other on the dodgem cars!
Dragged Dickie out of bed to check out La Sagrada Familia, a church that Gaudi started to build over 100 years ago, but got killed as he stood back to admire, wiped out by a tram. Took some photos but a lot of construction going on still so hard to get a good shot, supposed to be finished within 14 years - but I doubt it! Dickie still feeling shitty returned to bed, so I hung at the hostel for a while before we headed out for tapas, a few wines and some cards - teaching Dickie and some Slovenians the game that Dave, John & I are the co-founders of, it's basically a crazier shithead.
The next morning due to the incorrect setting of my alarm (thanks Dickie) I missed my flight to Granada so ended up on a 13 hour bus ride instead, finally getting into Granada about 12 hours after my expected arrival time. I did happen to check in as the Tapas tour was heading off though, so instead of resting like I planned I ended up out with a cool group of guys - Tapering and Discoteching afterwards. Granada has a very large Morrocan influence, it being so close, so we headed back to the bar for some sheesha before bedtime. Going to try and by a hooka (waterpipe) to take back to the UK with me, they are cheap and really good! Lazy day today but off tomorrow to see the ALHAMBRA, an old Arabic castle that is supposedly fantastic! Apparently the second most visited site in Europe - does anyone know the first?

and the whole city is just full of squatters, living a squat life

and fighting for freedom!

I rocked in from san Sebastian and headed to Gothic Point where my old mate from Bolivia, Loic, had sorted me out with some cheap accomo. Half asleep and almost moneyless still not being able to withdraw from cash machines, I spent the morning updating my blog, grabbing some breakfast and a well strong coffee and basically roamed the gothic streets as I waited for my, as per usual, late Amigo from Melbourne ; Dickie. We eventually rocked in with Dave's old amigas whom I have heard bucketloads about, but never actually met; Helen & Linda. We cruised the streets for some time before meeting up with Dickie's girlfriend; Emma & her Mum; Jill who happen to be travelling around Spain at the same time, however on a slightly healthier budget - 5 staring it all the way! We grabbed a bite and then hit a nice stretch of green grass for a bottle of champagne to celebrate the magnificance of being in Barcelona.

This 1 bottle eventually turned into 12 as the many hours drifted by. We finally peeled ourselves away at about 11:30 and headed back to Emma's & Jill's Hotel Rooftop Bar for some Mojitos and many laughs and perhaps even a few debates on the current political situation in Colombia.
The next day we spent by the pool back in the 5 star, grabbing some food at a local veggie restaurant (these god damn vegetarians made me) before heading out for the first night of shenanigans for the festival. The next morning as I walked past this Gaudi building

I was inspired to go and check out the Gaudi Park which is a massive park that he designed and built and actually lived there throughout the construction of it. The entrance felt like walking through a Ginger Bread house get-up.

The park is very diverse, moving through stone tunnels

with wicked carved coloumns

as well as a great plaza sitting atop cool hand made seating over looking the city!

We headed past Helen's squat house where I admired there dorrbell set-up which apparently illumintes

before heading back to the center and and chilling before heading out for another night of festival, where we found some great music and this guy

The next day we headed to the beach before taking this massive cart thing over city for some great views,

before preparing ourselves for another night of music. Unfortunately the bands were cancelled due to rain so we headed to the other side of town for some dance tent action.
Seeing as most sights had been seen I am pretty sure we just spent Sunday feeling sorry for ourselves and lying in the sun in the park relaxing and taking in the city's vibe. It was a rather large night on Sunday though as Dickie turned 24 at midnight, we headed North to a new stage to see some cool Ska band with members from all over the world, before heading back to a guys house that we met at the party for a few more drinks and onto the main stage where we rocked on, celebrated the b day, had hot dogs stolen from us because they thought that we stole them and then smash into each other on the dodgem cars!
Dragged Dickie out of bed to check out La Sagrada Familia, a church that Gaudi started to build over 100 years ago, but got killed as he stood back to admire, wiped out by a tram. Took some photos but a lot of construction going on still so hard to get a good shot, supposed to be finished within 14 years - but I doubt it! Dickie still feeling shitty returned to bed, so I hung at the hostel for a while before we headed out for tapas, a few wines and some cards - teaching Dickie and some Slovenians the game that Dave, John & I are the co-founders of, it's basically a crazier shithead.
The next morning due to the incorrect setting of my alarm (thanks Dickie) I missed my flight to Granada so ended up on a 13 hour bus ride instead, finally getting into Granada about 12 hours after my expected arrival time. I did happen to check in as the Tapas tour was heading off though, so instead of resting like I planned I ended up out with a cool group of guys - Tapering and Discoteching afterwards. Granada has a very large Morrocan influence, it being so close, so we headed back to the bar for some sheesha before bedtime. Going to try and by a hooka (waterpipe) to take back to the UK with me, they are cheap and really good! Lazy day today but off tomorrow to see the ALHAMBRA, an old Arabic castle that is supposedly fantastic! Apparently the second most visited site in Europe - does anyone know the first?
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