Don't you hate it when that happens!
It's 10 to 8 in the morning, been on an overnight bus ride from Uruguay to Rosario, Argentina (the 4th time crossing into these borders for me), rocked into the hostel at 5 in the morning, thought we could use the internet until breakfast is ready, spend an hour or so writing out an update for my blog, upload some photos and then the computer decides to turn nasty and has some sort of an attack on me and I've spent the last half an hour turning the bastard on and off to find that I've lost everything! It was funny as shit too, always the way. Oh well, here we go agan...........
Super Camas & Lost Papeles
Although Uruguayans are somewhat more culturally closely related to their Argi cousins across the river, they definitely follow in their other relatives from Chile's footsteps when it comes to the delicate know how of coffee. As pictured below, these were 2 TA coffees that Lil and I received in Montevideo on the morning of our beach mission (they even came complete with TA coke plastic lid, straw was extra). Funny as to look at, not so funny when you burning your wee fingers due to the serious lack of insulation offered from your friendly plastic coke cup.

We did end up making it to the beach on Thursday, nobody bothered to mention though that unless the weather is seriously shining there's not really a hell of alot of anything to do down there (Obvious I know). So we countinued our mission of finding a standard issue Movie Cinema with non-contrasting language barriers at your Shopping Center with great luck! We picked up some tickets to see ¨Memoirs of a Geisha¨ (great movie by the way) with enough spare time to pick up some lunch and essentials

After the movie we headed back down to the beach to check to find a full blown Argentina vs Uruguay Beach Soccer match takig place only 100m or so from the free rock concert we were there to see, so we went to scope out the goods.

There's actually a Beach Soccer tournament that happens each year within South America which is completely free, what an awesome idea. We were secretly barracking for Argentina, not displaying any public support of course (why wouldn't you when their team is obviously completely nutritioned on $5 steaks & wine) who in the end took the game home 1-0. We wandered over to a beach kiosk near the concert to enjoy the atmosphere and the 1L beers (TA & Drik-in) that the kiosk had on offer.
The next morning we were off to Punta del Este (the Gold Coast of Uruguay) where we spent 3 das in the sun, on the beach & staying healthy with lots of walks & some home cooked dinners (our first communal kitchen since Lilla has joined me). Punta was really quite a cool town, with a late nightlife (hell the DJ's don't even start their set until 2:30, just after everyone has fnished their dinner), great beaches and a relaxing atmosphere, unlike the GC.

Last night saw us boarding our Super Cama (bed) overnight bus back to Argentina.

Super comfortable, English movies to help us get to sleep, I was ready to settle down for the niht, until got to the border crossing and some crazy, angry lady who was collecting our pasports demanded to know where Lilla's & my papers were, the one's that we apparently got on our way into Uruguay. Not even remembering receiving them, she contimued to tell us that there would be a fine for not having the papers (probably another tourist scam). It took some smooth talkig, as the rest of the bus contimued to wait for us, to get us through with our wallets unharmed, but it was a great feeling to know that we were once again back in the land of the polite, cheap and super good steak & wine of Argentina.
3-4 days in Rosario taking it easy before heading North to Iguazu Falls, gonna be a loooong day!
Super Camas & Lost Papeles
Although Uruguayans are somewhat more culturally closely related to their Argi cousins across the river, they definitely follow in their other relatives from Chile's footsteps when it comes to the delicate know how of coffee. As pictured below, these were 2 TA coffees that Lil and I received in Montevideo on the morning of our beach mission (they even came complete with TA coke plastic lid, straw was extra). Funny as to look at, not so funny when you burning your wee fingers due to the serious lack of insulation offered from your friendly plastic coke cup.

We did end up making it to the beach on Thursday, nobody bothered to mention though that unless the weather is seriously shining there's not really a hell of alot of anything to do down there (Obvious I know). So we countinued our mission of finding a standard issue Movie Cinema with non-contrasting language barriers at your Shopping Center with great luck! We picked up some tickets to see ¨Memoirs of a Geisha¨ (great movie by the way) with enough spare time to pick up some lunch and essentials

After the movie we headed back down to the beach to check to find a full blown Argentina vs Uruguay Beach Soccer match takig place only 100m or so from the free rock concert we were there to see, so we went to scope out the goods.

There's actually a Beach Soccer tournament that happens each year within South America which is completely free, what an awesome idea. We were secretly barracking for Argentina, not displaying any public support of course (why wouldn't you when their team is obviously completely nutritioned on $5 steaks & wine) who in the end took the game home 1-0. We wandered over to a beach kiosk near the concert to enjoy the atmosphere and the 1L beers (TA & Drik-in) that the kiosk had on offer.
The next morning we were off to Punta del Este (the Gold Coast of Uruguay) where we spent 3 das in the sun, on the beach & staying healthy with lots of walks & some home cooked dinners (our first communal kitchen since Lilla has joined me). Punta was really quite a cool town, with a late nightlife (hell the DJ's don't even start their set until 2:30, just after everyone has fnished their dinner), great beaches and a relaxing atmosphere, unlike the GC.

Last night saw us boarding our Super Cama (bed) overnight bus back to Argentina.

Super comfortable, English movies to help us get to sleep, I was ready to settle down for the niht, until got to the border crossing and some crazy, angry lady who was collecting our pasports demanded to know where Lilla's & my papers were, the one's that we apparently got on our way into Uruguay. Not even remembering receiving them, she contimued to tell us that there would be a fine for not having the papers (probably another tourist scam). It took some smooth talkig, as the rest of the bus contimued to wait for us, to get us through with our wallets unharmed, but it was a great feeling to know that we were once again back in the land of the polite, cheap and super good steak & wine of Argentina.
3-4 days in Rosario taking it easy before heading North to Iguazu Falls, gonna be a loooong day!
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