From Salvador to Paradise
And when you think that it can´t get any better.............
Salvador was only a quick visit due to some bargain airfares we were able to score into Manaus (the heart of the Amazon) from Fortaleza a little earlier than we originally planned to hit it, but fuck we had some fun!
A 12 hour bus ride from Arraial D´Ajuda went super quick thanks to the help of our new little buddies otherwise known as Valium that we were able to score from a dodgy chemist in Arraial. Hit the Markets in the morning to check out some Capoeira displays (Brasilian Martial Arts that is displayed as dance) where Lilla got her arse kicked!

A stroll through the Centro Historico made us some new friends

before stumbling upon an outside plaza surrounded by restaurants where we ate lunch whilst a cool Salsa band thrashed away on stage.
Shopping, Lilla´s favourite thing to do in any big city (really any city with a shop), was followed up with a movie and a quick do it yourself hair colouring back at the hostel for Lil, until that is I discovered there was plenty of left over dye to go around!
We headed out in the evening meeting up with 2 Danish guys, Rasmus & Jasper (crazy coincidence I know), that we have been bumping into since Ilha Grande and an English bloke that they met somewhere along the way. Drinks, were followed by drinks, before we stumbled across a club that once we entered we realised was not strictly for Hetrosexuals, the music was good though so we hung around for a bit of a dance when on our way out the Male/Tranie stripper combo confirmed our suspisciouns. A stumble home

when we threatened by a 12 year old with an empty beer bottle in his hand for $10, we gave him $5 and moved on (much easier than have him follow us home like a stray dog).
Next day saw us checking out some local beaches before making our way back to the bus station for another journey, 18 hours this time, that once again seemed to fly by.
Praia de Pipa was where we ended up and since then life hasn´t gotten any quieter. A day at the beach

followed by a romantic dinner and a few cocktails which led to the next typical gringo thing to do whilst touring the world, geting a tattoo. Lilla was a little scared at first, but she eventually sat in the chair and squeezed my hand like there was no tomorrow. I followed suit adding to my already growing family with something that I thought fitting for Brasil, the Southern Cross.

This may seem a little weird, but Brasilians (probably the most tattooed people in the world after the Kiwis) are obsessed with tattoos of stars, so I thought I may as well kill 2 birds with 1 stone, prove I´m no Gringo and take something away from the amazing 6 weeks that we have spent here in Brasil.
The next morning we hit some more beautiful beaches before meeting up with 2 Swedish girls we had meet in Ilha Grande, they moved into our Pousada, we headed our for drinks and Pizza before doing a bit of pub crawl throughout town. Every guy here thinks that I am the luckiest hombre on earth!

More beaches and hammocks yesterday, followed by a monstorous traditional Churascao dinner

and a quieter night down at the regae bar. Today, just for something different we hit the beaches again,

I grabbed a board and hit the surf and caught a few waves with a Brasilian buddy named Jean. Headed back into town early to catch up on this sucker before catching up on some ZZZZZZ´s. Tonight is the NIGHT! Massive full moon (although it was 3 days ago) party down on the beach in the next village with international DJ´s and all sorts of crazy antics. It´s our Swedish friends last night in Brasil & our last night on the Coast, it´s gonna be massive!
Flying from Natal (next major town) to Manaus tomorrow so we have to be on the bus at 10, I don´t know whether there will be any sleep involved so the bag´s got to be packed tonight. You´ll hear from us soon though and by then we will have plenty of Jungle adventures & photos to fill you in on our week in the Amazon!
Salvador was only a quick visit due to some bargain airfares we were able to score into Manaus (the heart of the Amazon) from Fortaleza a little earlier than we originally planned to hit it, but fuck we had some fun!
A 12 hour bus ride from Arraial D´Ajuda went super quick thanks to the help of our new little buddies otherwise known as Valium that we were able to score from a dodgy chemist in Arraial. Hit the Markets in the morning to check out some Capoeira displays (Brasilian Martial Arts that is displayed as dance) where Lilla got her arse kicked!

A stroll through the Centro Historico made us some new friends

before stumbling upon an outside plaza surrounded by restaurants where we ate lunch whilst a cool Salsa band thrashed away on stage.
Shopping, Lilla´s favourite thing to do in any big city (really any city with a shop), was followed up with a movie and a quick do it yourself hair colouring back at the hostel for Lil, until that is I discovered there was plenty of left over dye to go around!
We headed out in the evening meeting up with 2 Danish guys, Rasmus & Jasper (crazy coincidence I know), that we have been bumping into since Ilha Grande and an English bloke that they met somewhere along the way. Drinks, were followed by drinks, before we stumbled across a club that once we entered we realised was not strictly for Hetrosexuals, the music was good though so we hung around for a bit of a dance when on our way out the Male/Tranie stripper combo confirmed our suspisciouns. A stumble home

when we threatened by a 12 year old with an empty beer bottle in his hand for $10, we gave him $5 and moved on (much easier than have him follow us home like a stray dog).
Next day saw us checking out some local beaches before making our way back to the bus station for another journey, 18 hours this time, that once again seemed to fly by.
Praia de Pipa was where we ended up and since then life hasn´t gotten any quieter. A day at the beach

followed by a romantic dinner and a few cocktails which led to the next typical gringo thing to do whilst touring the world, geting a tattoo. Lilla was a little scared at first, but she eventually sat in the chair and squeezed my hand like there was no tomorrow. I followed suit adding to my already growing family with something that I thought fitting for Brasil, the Southern Cross.

This may seem a little weird, but Brasilians (probably the most tattooed people in the world after the Kiwis) are obsessed with tattoos of stars, so I thought I may as well kill 2 birds with 1 stone, prove I´m no Gringo and take something away from the amazing 6 weeks that we have spent here in Brasil.
The next morning we hit some more beautiful beaches before meeting up with 2 Swedish girls we had meet in Ilha Grande, they moved into our Pousada, we headed our for drinks and Pizza before doing a bit of pub crawl throughout town. Every guy here thinks that I am the luckiest hombre on earth!

More beaches and hammocks yesterday, followed by a monstorous traditional Churascao dinner

and a quieter night down at the regae bar. Today, just for something different we hit the beaches again,

I grabbed a board and hit the surf and caught a few waves with a Brasilian buddy named Jean. Headed back into town early to catch up on this sucker before catching up on some ZZZZZZ´s. Tonight is the NIGHT! Massive full moon (although it was 3 days ago) party down on the beach in the next village with international DJ´s and all sorts of crazy antics. It´s our Swedish friends last night in Brasil & our last night on the Coast, it´s gonna be massive!
Flying from Natal (next major town) to Manaus tomorrow so we have to be on the bus at 10, I don´t know whether there will be any sleep involved so the bag´s got to be packed tonight. You´ll hear from us soon though and by then we will have plenty of Jungle adventures & photos to fill you in on our week in the Amazon!
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